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- “____”, (A NBA coach) will take charge of a young team still in the throws of a roster overhaul.
- The school spokesperson commented “Our lunch menu includes a variety of hot entrees and tempting deserts”.
- Please bare with us while we are renovating.
The above spelling bloopers have been taken from various printed media. A little more care in learning spellings, would have prevented the writer from making a full … just kidding … a fool of himself or herself. The need to focus on spellings is all the more now, due to kids using atrocious versions of words when texting and Instant Messaging.
In order to help students excel in English early on, NorthSouth Foundation launched Spelling contests in 1993.
The contests are conducted every year in two steps for students in grade 1-8. Qualified winners of the Regional contests are invited to participate in the National Finals. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from each contest at the Nationals are awarded scholarships of $1,000, $500, and $250 respectively, redeemable in the winners’ freshman year of college.
You can download the word-list for the contest after you register for the contest.
- There are 2 levels of competition in Spelling Bee:
- JSB (Junior Spelling Bee): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- SSB (Senior Spelling Bee): Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
- A 1st rank winner at the Scripps National Spelling Bee or the National Finals of the North South Foundation senior spelling bee are not eligible for competing in this and future North South Foundation spelling contests. (The 1st rank winner of junior spelling bee can, however, participate in the senior spelling bee.) A contestant who participated in the NorthSouth Foundation senior spelling bee is not eligible to participate in the junior spelling bee, irrespective of his/her age.
- Both spelling bees (JSB and SSB) are held in two phases: Phase I (written) and Phase II (oral) Parents are not allowed in Phase I. They may be allowed in Phase II at the discretion of the judges, if space permits.
- There are 2 levels of competition in Spelling Bee:
Phase I (Written):
- Phase I is a written test with 25 words, and the contestant has to write the spelling for each of the 25 words. Ten words will be selected from the published list, and the remaining fifteen words will be from outside the published list. The published list of 1,000 words will be provided to the contestants after completing registration. This list contains words from SpellIt booklet, from Merriam-Webster as well as words taken from the past Paideia booklets, published by Scripps National Spelling Bee. All the contestants will write the spelling for the same 25 words. Each contestant will be given a sheet with 25 blank rows (the rows are numbered) to write the spelling for each of the 25 words.
- During this phase, the pronouncer will pronounce each of the 25 words, and for each of the words, he will give the parts of speech (POS), root of the word, definition, and the use of the word in a sentence. The contestant will have to write the spelling of the each word in the appropriate blank row.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected to write clearly and legibly. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will NOT be any partial credits. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
- All Phase I sheets should be returned at the end of the contest. All contestants will advance to Phase II (oral round).
Phase II (Oral):
- Phase II contains 6 oral rounds. All the words in Phase II are used from the published list of 1,000 words.
- During this phase, the pronouncer pronounces a word to the contestant. The contestant shall pronounce the word, spell it, and pronounce it again. The contestant will be awarded zero points for failing to follow this order or failing to spell the word correctly. Pronunciation after spelling is optional, and points will not be deducted for failing to pronounce after spelling.
- A contestant may request to have the word pronounced again or ask for a definition, language origin, parts of speech, or a usage of the word in a sentence. This information will not be provided by the pronouncer (as done in Phase I) unless requested by the contestant.
- A contestant is allowed 30 seconds to start spelling a word. The judge may award zero points to any contestant who ignores a request to start spelling. This 30 second period excludes the time expended in step 11 above.
- Once a contestant starts spelling, he/she may stop and start over. In retracing, there can be no change of letters or their sequence from that of the first attempt. If any letter or the sequence is changed in the respelling, the contestant will be awarded zero points.
- In case more than one spelling is listed for a word in the Webster’s dictionary (3rd International Unabridged Edition), the particular spelling enunciated by the contestant shall be accepted as correct, if the word either matches the pronunciation and definition provided by the pronouncer, or it is clearly identified as being a standard variant of the word the contestant has been asked to spell. No other source is allowed in this regard. If a word has one or more homonyms, the pronouncer will indicate which word is to be spelled.
- During each of the six rounds, each contestant gets a new word from the published list. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer. If a contestant gives an incorrect answer, the judges provide the correct answer, and the next contestant will be given a new word from the list.
Winners and Ranks:
- Based on the combined scores of Phase I & II, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
Tiebreaker Rules:
- The tiebreaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center and at the discretion of the judges/regional coordinator.
- After tabulation of scores (out of a total of 31) from Ph I (words 1-25) and Ph II (6 words), if there is a tie, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given, to break the ties:
- Phase I score (words 1-25)
- Phase I score among words 21-25
- Phase I score among words 16-20
- Phase I score among words 11-15
- Phase I score among words 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
Invitation to National Finals:
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the relative scores [Phase I and Phase II] of all the contestants nationally and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest. Thus, the combined Phase I & II score of each contestant out of 31 relative to all such scores around the country will determine whether the contestant will be invited to the National Finals. The regional tiebreakers are only helpful in determining the winners for a particular center, but have no bearing on the Finals invitation.
The following page contains tips and resources for preparation for the Spelling Bee conducted by NorthSouth Foundation. NorthSouth Foundation is committed to encourage children to improve their language skills and encouraging the same. The links below provide some sample words for the Spelling Bee tests — please note that these are examples of words and DO NOT COVER all the words that might come in the tests.
Sample Words
Sample Practice words for Junior Spelling Bee: click here
Sample Practice words for Senioir Spelling Bee: click here
Books & References
- Spelling Bee Preparation
- NorthSouth Foundation Online Spelling Bee GameSince 2003, NorthSouth Foundation launched an Online Spelling Bee game. click here for more details on the game
- Merriam-Webster word of the day
- Word of the Day: (C) 2002 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC.
- For Beginners: 71 Revised “Orton” Phonograms For Correct Spelling
Tips & Strategies
- Spelling Bee Strategies (From Building Spelling Skills Grade 2)
Don’t leave out or mispronounce sounds. Write the sounds in the correct order. - THINK ABOUT WHAT THE WORD LOOKS LIKE –
Think about how the spelling pattern looks. Write it, look at it, and decide if it looks correct. - LOOK FOR SMALL WORDS IN SPELLING WORDS –
e.g. Spin – pin, in Cupcake – cup, cake - USE RHYMING WORDS TO HELP SPELL A WORD –
If you can spell book, you can spell look. - USE RULES FOR ADDING ENDINGS –
Drop silent e before adding a suffix , Double the final consonant before adding a suffix. - THINK ABOUT WHAT THE WORD MEANS –
Some words sound the same, but have different meanings and are spelled in different ways. Match the spelling with its meaning. - USE OUTSIDE HELP –
Use charts, banners and lists. Ask someone for help. Use a personal spelling dictionary.
- Dr. Tadipatri’s TOP TEN TIPS for Spelling Bee:
- Never get discouraged seeing long or tough words and never get discouraged if one or more words are misspelled in any spelling bee. On the flip side do not be overconfident if you get the first three or four words correct. Stay focused during the entire session.
- The spelling bee, like any other academic exercise, is a long term and steady process. Do not expect overnight results.
- Remember to ask as many questions (that are permitted) as possible so that you can get to the spelling. Despite all questions, if you cannot come up with definite answers, try to make a most educated guess, based on the information. Never be content with a wild guess.
- The meaning of the word is very important. It helps eliminate the homonyms. It may also help in the formation of the word. If possible, try to break up the word, based on the meaning and any other information.
- Language origin is another important factor. This tells about the word formation and its etymology
- Part of speech and sentence usage give a confirmation of the idea about the word. Sometimes this may even correct the notion one may have about the word.
- The final goal is to combine 4, 5 and 6 in the spelling preparation. Try to concentrate on all – meaning, language origin and part of speech.
- Try to follow how others attack the words and implement any good techniques, you may observe in others. Learn form their mistakes. One can learn as much from others’ mistakes as from others’ good techniques.
- For parents, try to be a part of the process and encourage your children. However, at centers where parents are allowed to watch the kids in session, please make sure that you do not show immediate reactions of “Yes!!” or “Oh hoL” as this can spoil the child’s concentration.
- Have a long term goal and realize that irrespective of winning a trophy, the knowledge one gains in the process will be a life-long companion.
- Create your own database!
- Another useful suggestion from Govindan family whose children Ramesh and Mallika have been participants in spelling and vocabulary bees:
“We found it valuable to make a database of the list words provided for the regional and national competitions with their definitions, pronunciation, and language of origin, and then study from it. This way the children not only learned the words but also improved their vocabulary. We also did the same with the list words for the vocabulary bees. Children themselves created the databases (i.e., looked up the meanings and typed it into the Excel program), which provided them additional practice. The task became a lot easier when we installed the Merriam Webster Dictionary on the computer”.
- Another useful suggestion from Govindan family whose children Ramesh and Mallika have been participants in spelling and vocabulary bees:
- Tips during the contest
- Make sure the pronouncer fully agrees with your pronunciation of the word. You can eliminate most misunderstandings right here.
For example: If the pronouncer says ?except’ and you say ?accept’ he/she will be able to correct you right away. If you are still unable to get to the right pronunciation, you can ask for the word to be put in a sentence eliminating discrepancies.
- Make sure the pronouncer fully agrees with your pronunciation of the word. You can eliminate most misunderstandings right here.
Why is the Spelling Bee conducted?
With the popularity of the computer spell checker, youth are losing their spelling skills. Spell check programs cannot detect a mistake, if the misspelled word exists in the dictionary with a different meaning. Learning to spell correctly is necessary in all walks of life. Many children and their parents are not fully aware of the importance of developing English vocabulary as a stepping stone for success. The preliminary selection for National Merit Scholarships is solely based on a student’s PSAT score. In this test, 67% weight is given to English and 33% to Math. SAT scores assume great significance as one of the most important selection criteria in college admissions. In an effort to encourage children to excel in English early on, the Foundation has embarked on nationwide spelling and vocabulary contests.
Why is the Foundation conducting Spelling Bee when there are other contests in the US?
The spelling bee contest by Foundation is one of the few in the US based on cumulative scoring where in a contestant is allowed to participate in several oral rounds even though he(she) misspell a word in one or more rounds. This is different from a typical spelling contest one is familiar with in which if you make a mistake in the very first round you are eliminated.
In addition, a written phase is also administered prior to the oral phase and those scores are added to oral scores.
This cumulative scoring would provide a fair assessment of contestant's spelling abilities.
How can my children prepare for the NorthSouth Foundation Spelling Bee contest?
See the section on Spelling Preparation.
Can a Junior Spelling contestant also participate in the Senior Spelling Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one spelling bee and in one regional center only. Eligible contestants from the Regionals Contest will be invited into the same bee for the NorthSouth Foundation National Finals event
Can a kindergarten (KG) child participate in the Junior Spelling Bee?
Yes, a child in KG is allowed to participate in the Junior Spelling Bee, on an equal basis without any special privileges. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the aim of getting them acquainted. Over the last several years, many 6- and 7-year olds participated and have done exceedingly well in the contests.
What words are used for each level?
Beginner level words are generally used for Junior Spelling Bee, and Intermediate words are generally used for Senior Spelling Bee. See the section on contest rules for further details.
Is the participant eliminated on first misspelling?
No, each participant is allowed to participate in all oral rounds in the Regional contests and a misspelling in any round will only give zero points and does not lead to elimination immediately. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why NorthSouth Foundation spelling bee differs from a spelling contest at your child's school in which a contestant is eliminated after the first misspelling. Also, during the NorthSouth Foundation spelling bee contests, there will be a written phase where in all the contestants write the spelling of the same set of words.
I find words given in the list provided very hard; what do you suggest I do?
What appears to be so tough at first glance may not be really that tough. A simple analogy is a mountain. Don't be scared of its height! Take one step at a time. Eventually, when you reach its summit, you feel exhilarated! Next time you are ready to try even bigger mountains
Similarly, try the given list by sitting with your child and tackling the words. Even if the child finds the words difficult initially, after some practice, the child will find them easy (relative to when he/she started for the first time).
"Practice makes perfect.”
There are many tricks to mastering the spelling. Teach your child how to look at the root of a word, for instance. There are Spelling Bee workshops in certain centers for more help and training in this area. Also, refer to the section on contest preparation.
How can I register for the NorthSouth Foundation Spelling Bee contest?
Online registration via NorthSouth Foundation homepage is generally available, starting early January. You can also refer to the NorthSouth Foundation Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.
If somebody said to you – “The use of complicated wording as an overall literary technique needs to encompass graphic and individual comprehension to allow the reader to become acquainted with the unique terminological aspects employed by the author”, you don’t want to respond by saying “Eh, what ?”. If your vocabulary was good, you would comprehend the sentence and you would be good at interpreting context clues, recognizing word roots, and analyzing common relationships between words.
To enrich vocabulary and improve English usage of students, North South Foundation started Vocabulary contests in 1994.
The kids can prepare for the contest using Preparation.
The kids should familiarize themselves with the Rules.
If you have still have any questions, go to FAQ.
Hopefully kids will improve their vocabulary and will be able to express themselves better than a high school student who wrote the following in his essay –
Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
- There are 2 levels of competition for Vocabulary Bee:
- JVB (Junior Vocabulary Bee): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- IVB (Intermediate Vocabulary Bee): Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
- National winners of junior vocabulary bee can participate in the intermediate vocabulary bee. A contestant who participated in a higher level bee cannot participate in a lower level bee in subsequent years.
- Vocabulary bees (JVB and IVB ) are held in two phases: Phase I (written) and Phase II (oral). Parents are not allowed in Phase I. They may be allowed in Phase II at the discretion of the judges, if the space permits.
- There are 2 levels of competition for Vocabulary Bee:
Phase I (written):
- Phase I is a written test with 25 words and the contestant has to find the most appropriate meaning of the word. Ten words will be selected from the published list (this is the list of 1,000 words provided to the contestants), and the remaining fifteen words will be from external sources. All the contestants will get the same 25 words.
- During this phase, contestants will be given a question paper with 25 words with multiple choices for each word. Additionally a separate answer sheet (bubble sheet format) will be provided to mark answers. For each word, the contestant has to circle the answer choice corresponding to the meaning from the list of multiple choices. To aid the contestant, the pronouncer will pronounce the word and read the multiple choices for each of the 25 words.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected to write clearly and legibly. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will NOT be any partial credits. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
- All Phase I sheets should be returned at the end of the contest. All contestants will advance to Phase II (oral round.)
Phase II (oral):
- Phase II contains 6 oral rounds. All the words in Phase II are used from the published list of 1,000 words.
- During this phase, the pronouncer pronounces a word (hands over an index card with the word along with its multiple choice of meanings or displays the same information on a screen) along with the corresponding multiple choices to the contestant. The contestant will pronounce the word along with his/her selected answer from the multiple choices. In addition to making a choice, the contestant must read the meaning of the word. The contestant will be awarded zero points for failing to provide the correct multiple choice and meaning.
- During each of the six rounds, each contestant gets a new word from the list. If a contestant gives an incorrect answer, the judges provide the correct answer. The next contestant will be given a new word from the list.
- The contestant is allowed 30 seconds to provide his/her choice of the answer. The judges may award zero points to any contestant who ignores a request to start giving an answer.
- The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
Winners and Ranks:
- Based on the combined scores of Phase I & II for a combined total of 31, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
Tiebreaker Rules:
- The tiebreaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center and at the discretion of the judges/regional coordinator.
- After tabulation of scores (out of a total of 31) from Ph I (words 1-25) and Ph II (6 words), if there is a tie, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given, to break the ties:
- Phase I score (words 1-25)
- Phase I score among words 21-25
- Phase I score among words 16-20
- Phase I score among words 11-15
- Phase I score among words 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
Invitation to National Finals:
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the relative scores [Phase I and Phase II] of all the contestants nationally and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest. Thus, the combined Phase I & II score of each contestant relative to all such scores around the country will determine whether the contestant will be invited to the National Finals. The regional tiebreakers are only helpful in determining the winners for a particular center, but have no bearing on the Finals invitation. Holding of the National Finals for the Senior Spelling Bee depends on the total number of participants at the regional level.
Sample Words
Sample Practice words for Junior Vocabulary Bee: click here Sample Practice words for Intermediate Vocabulary Bee: click hereBooks & References
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis – Published by Pocket Books.
- It pays to enrich word power’ column from Readers Digest Monthly(Registration is required to access online Word Power).
- Barron’s SATI Book.
- Vocabulary Cards (set I & set II) from Visual Education. (800-243-7070)
- Online Vocabulary GameSince 2003, North South Foundation has launched Online Vocabulary Game. click here for more details on the game. For instructions on playing the Vocabulary Game, please click here
- Vocabulary Sites on Web that are not connected to North South Foundation -The following has a game like approach – The following gives lists by category and is free –
Why is the vocabulary contest conducted?
Vocabulary implies knowing the “meaning of words” in the English language. It is the next step and perhaps even a concurrent step, while learning to spell, which is required to gain mastery over the language. This Contest is designed to give an early start to a student’s preparation for the PSAT and SAT exams. SAT score is one of the important criteria used by the colleges in the US in awarding undergraduate admissions and scholarships. Youngsters can be good at English vocabulary by making a concerted effort over 4 to 5 years. Preparation for the North South Foundation Vocabulary Bee can also help to prepare for the nation-wide Reader’s Digest Vocabulary Challenge
Can my child participate in both Spelling and Vocabulary?
Yes. A child can compete in both Spelling and Vocabulary Bees, if she/he satisfies grade requirements as per North South Foundation rules. There is no lower grade limit for Junior Vocabulary or Spelling bee.
How can my children prepare for the North South Foundation Vocabulary Bee contest?
See the section on Vocabulary Preparation.
Can a Junior Vocabulary contestant also participate in the Intermediate Vocabulary Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one spelling bee and in one regional center only. Eligible contestants from the Regionals Contest will be invited into the same bee for the North South Foundation National Finals event
Can a kindergarten (KG) child participate in the Junior Vocabulary Bee?
Yes, a child in KG is allowed to participate in the Junior Vocabulary Bee, on an equal basis without any special privileges. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the primary aim of getting them familiar with the Bee. Over the last several years many young children have participated and done exceedingly well in various contests.
What words are used for each level?
Beginner level words are generally used for Junior Vocabulary Bee. Intermediate and Advanced words are generally used for Intermediate Vocabulary Bees. The words used for the Intermediate Vocabulary contests are consistent with the SAT level. This is intentionally done to align with the North South Foundation goal of helping children do well in the SAT in high school.
How can I register for the North South Foundation Vocabulary Bee contest?
Online registration via Regionals Homepage is generally available, starting early January. You can also refer to the Regional Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Math Bee:
- MB1 (Math Bee Level 1): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- MB2 (Math Bee Level 2): Grades 4 and 5
- MB3 (Math Bee Level 3): Grades 6, 7 and 8
- A 1st rank winner at the National Finals of the North South Foundation math bee level 3 (MB3) contest is not eligible for competing in this and future math bee contests conducted by the Foundation (National winners of MB1 and MB2 can participate ONLY in MB2 and MB3 bees, respectively). A contestant who participated in a higher level bee cannot participate in a lower level bee in subsequent years.
- The syllabus for the Math Bee, level-wise, can be found on this website. It should be understood that any syllabus can only act as a guideline, but in the same given category of syllabus, the level of difficulty can vary dramatically from a beginner to an advanced level.
- Math bees (MB1 to MB3) are held in two phases, both Phases I and II are written. Contestants should bring their own pencils and sharpeners. Parents are NOT allowed in both Phase I and II.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Math Bee:
Phase I (Written):
- In Phase I, each contestant will be given a set of 25 questions to answer them. The maximum time allocated to answer the 25 questions is 35 minutes.
- Each contestant is given a question paper with 25 multiple choice questions along with an answer sheet (bubble sheet format) to circle the answer choice letter corresponding to the right answer from the question paper. Each question has adequate blank work space to arrive at the answer. No additional sheets will be provided. Contestants are allowed to use the backside of the question paper to work out problems. Contestants are required to mark the answers on answer sheet (Answers marked on question paper will not be scored).
- All participants will move on to Phase II.
Phase II (Written):
- In Phase II, each contestant will be given a set of 20 multiple choice questions to answer them. The maximum time allocated to answer the 20 questions is 15 minutes.
- Each contestant is given a question paper with 20 multiple choice questions along with an answer sheet (bubble sheet format) to circle the answer choice letter corresponding to the right answer from the question paper. Each question has adequate blank workspace to arrive at the answer. No additional sheets will be provided. Contestants are allowed to use the backside of the question paper to work out problems. Contestants are required to mark the answers on answer sheet (Answers marked on question paper will not be scored).
- Calculators are NOT allowed at any level.
- All sheets (including question and answer sheets) shall be returned at the end of the contest to the proctor.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected
write clearly and legibly
. The decision of the judges is final. - There will NOT be any partial credits for steps. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
Winners and Ranks:
- Based on the combined scores from both phases, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
Tiebreaker Rules:
- The tiebreaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center and at the discretion of the judges/regional coordinator.
- After tabulations of combined scores from Phase I (questions 1-25) and Phase II (questions 1-20),
if there is a tie, to break the ties, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given:
- Phase I score among questions 1-25
- Phase I score among questions 21-25
- Phase I score among questions 1-20
- Phase II score among questions 11-20
- Phase II score among questions 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
Invitation to National Finals:
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the combined scores from both phases [Phase I: 25 questions; Phase II: 20 questions] of all the contestants nationally and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest. Thus, the combined Phase I & II score of each contestant out of 45 relative to all such scores around the country will determine whether the contestant will be invited to the National Finals. The regional tiebreakers are only helpful in determining the winners for a particular center, but have no bearing on the Finals invitation.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Math Bee:
- MB1 (Math Bee Level 1): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- MB2 (Math Bee Level 2): Grades 4 and 5
- MB3 (Math Bee Level 3): Grades 6, 7 and 8
- A 1st rank winner at the National Finals of the North South Foundation math bee level 3 (MB3) contest is not eligible for competing in this and future math bee contests conducted by the Foundation (National winners of MB1 and MB2 can participate ONLY in MB2 and MB3 bees, respectively). A contestant who participated in a higher level bee cannot participate in a lower level bee in subsequent years.
- The syllabus for the Math Bee, level-wise, can be found on this website. It should be understood that any syllabus can only act as a guideline, but in the same given category of syllabus, the level of difficulty can vary dramatically from a beginner to an advanced level.
- Math bees (MB1 to MB3) are held in two phases, both Phases I and II are written. Contestants should bring their own pencils and sharpeners. Parents are NOT allowed in both Phase I and II.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Math Bee:
Phase I (Written):
- In Phase I, each contestant will be given a set of 25 questions to answer them. The maximum time allocated to answer the 25 questions is 35 minutes.
- Each contestant is given a question paper with 25 multiple choice questions along with an answer sheet (bubble sheet format) to circle the answer choice letter corresponding to the right answer from the question paper. Each question has adequate blank work space to arrive at the answer. No additional sheets will be provided. Contestants are allowed to use the backside of the question paper to work out problems. Contestants are required to mark the answers on answer sheet (Answers marked on question paper will not be scored).
- All participants will move on to Phase II.
Phase II (Written):
- In Phase II, each contestant will be given a set of 20 multiple choice questions to answer them. The maximum time allocated to answer the 20 questions is 15 minutes.
- Each contestant is given a question paper with 20 multiple choice questions along with an answer sheet (bubble sheet format) to circle the answer choice letter corresponding to the right answer from the question paper. Each question has adequate blank work space to arrive at the answer. No additional sheets will be provided. Contestants are allowed to use the backside of the question paper to work out problems. Contestants are required to mark the answers on answer sheet (Answers marked on question paper will not be scored).
- Calculators are NOT allowed at any level.
- All sheets (including question and answer sheets) shall be returned at the end of the contest to the proctor.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected to write clearly and legibly. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will NOT be any partial credits for steps. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
Winners and Ranks:
- Based on the combined scores from both phases, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
Tiebreaker Rules:
- The tiebreaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center and at the discretion of the judges/regional coordinator.
- After tabulations of combined scores from Phase I (questions 1-25) and Phase II (questions 1-20),
if there is a tie, to break the ties, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given:
- Phase I score among questions 1-25
- Phase I score among questions 21-25
- Phase I score among questions 1-20
- Phase II score among questions 11-20
- Phase II score among questions 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
Invitation to National Finals:
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the combined scores from both phases [Phase I: 25 questions; Phase II: 20 questions] of all the contestants nationally and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest. Thus, the combined Phase I & II score of each contestant out of 45 relative to all such scores around the country will determine whether the contestant will be invited to the National Finals. The regional tiebreakers are only helpful in determining the winners for a particular center, but have no bearing on the Finals invitation.
For Math Bee Syllabus: click here
Following are links to Regional Contests Sample Questions for various levels.
Full sample paper (Phase I and II) will be available after registration is complete.
The above files need Acrobat Reader v 5.0.1 or above. If you are using Acrobat Reader version 4.0 you will see
error “Reader unable to decrypt the document”. Please go to and download version required.
We conduct online coaching and workshops to benefit the students all through the year. In addition, this page contains general resources for preparation for the Math Bee contests. Some sample resources and books are categorized below by level. This is not an endorsement of any commercial product by us. You can search the web for better results and up-to-date links.
- Critical Thinking Skills – Teaching your kid how to think rather than what to think
- Khan Academy – Online Courses, Lessons and Practice. Look for Arithmetic under Math
- Math Kangaroo
- Singapore Math – Look for math books for Primary students
- Khan Academy – Online Courses, Lessons and Practice. Look for Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra and Geometry under Math
- Math League contest books for grades 4 and above (contests usually conducted at local schools)
- Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (student must belong to a school team)
- Singapore Math – Look for grade appropriate books
- MATHCOUNTS – (student must belong to a school team). Contest material for one year (last contest) is usually made available
- Books for advanced middle school students from
Khan Academy – Online Courses, Lessons and Practice. Look for Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra, Geometry, Pre-calculus, Probability and Statistics under Math
- Math League contest books for grades 6 and above (contests usually conducted at local schools)
- Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (student must belong to a school team)
- Alcumus – AoPS’s Online Learning System –
What is the North South Foundation Math Bee Contests?
The NorthSouth Math Bee is a Mathematics competition for children all across North America. It is aimed at nurturing mathematical skills among children attending grades 1 through 8, in a challenging environment. Math Bee has Regional and National-level components just as all the other North South Foundation Bees.
How is it useful to our young students?
The underpinnings of everyday life increasingly involve math and science/technology. North South Foundation believes that math abilities are a vital foundational and literacy requirement for the child of today.
We also believe that proficiency in Mathematics can be personally satisfying and empowering to the individual. Mathematics is one of the greatest intellectual achievements of humankind, and the children should develop an appreciation and understanding of that achievement.
India has produced several great mathematicians like Ramanujan, Aryabhatta, Bhaskara, and Brahmagupta. Just as the level of mathematics needed for enlightened citizenship has increased dramatically, so too has the level of mathematical thinking and problem-solving needed in the modern workplace.
Although all careers require a foundation of mathematical knowledge, some are more math-intensive than others. We hope that the Math Bee program will especially help our students pursue an educational path that will prepare them for lifelong work as mathematicians, statisticians, engineers, computer programmers and scientists.
Further, North South Foundation also believes that Math Bee will better prepare children to take standardized tests like PLUS, PSAT, SAT I, SAT II and ACT.
What are the goals of the Math Bee contests?
There are several goals and some of these are :
- To make Mathematics an easier subject to learn and excel from early childhood
- To better prepare for excelling in college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT
- To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
- To introduce important Mathematical concepts
- To teach major strategies for problem solving
- To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
- To strengthen Mathematical intuition
- To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
- To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges
- To meet other students of Indian origin and develop friendship
What are the grade groupings at the various Math Bee levels?
See the section on Math Contest Rules .
Where can I get details on the Math Bee? How are the students tested?
See the section on Math Contest Rules.
Can a Math Bee Level 1 contestant also participate in the Math Bee Level 2 Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one Math bee and in one regional center only. Eligible contestants from the Regional Contest will be invited into the same bee for the North South Foundation National Finals event.
Are there separate tests for each grade group?
Yes, each grade group will have a different test. The questions will be based on the syllabus for the particular grade grouping.
How do I prepare? What are the standard references? What are the standard national competitions concentrating on mathematics?
See the section on Math Bee Preparation
Where do I find information for the Math Bee such as syllabus, sample questions, etc?
See the section on Math Bee Syllabus.
Can a child in Kindergarten (KG) participate in the Math Bee Level 1?
Yes, a child in KG is allowed to participate in the Math Bee Level 1, on an equal basis without any special privileges. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the primary aim of getting them familiar with the Bee. Over, the last several years many young children have participated and done exceedingly well in various contests.
Are calculators allowed?
Calculators are not allowed at any level.
What is the lightning round? Please Explain
This is only applicable at the National level. In the lightning round, we will avoid questions involving complex calculations. Typically the students are expected to answer within 60 seconds. A blank paper and pencil will be provided to children.
Will there be questions outside the sample set?
No. The questions in the contest will be within the syllabus for the particular level.
Will all competitions (spelling, vocabulary, math, etc.) be held on the same day?
It depends on each chapter. Some may hold it over on one day and some over two days. Please refer to the Contest Calendar or contact your Chapter Coordinator.
How can I register for the North South Foundation Math Bee contest?
Online registration via North South Foundation homepage is generally available, starting early January. You can also refer to the North South Foundation Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.
To inspire and nurture the interest and understanding of science among students in grades 1-8, North South Foundation introduced Science Bees in 2010.
Science and Technology are the very fabric of modern life. Children of the modern age are adept at using technology even before they learn to read and write. Science – the basis of Technology – has deeper underpinnings as a part of our daily life. Scientific discoveries have their foundations in curiosity and wonder. Children are curious by nature and fascinated by novelty. Elementary school age is perhaps the perfect time to get them interested in science. Their natural curiosity will drive their learning. Deeper understanding of science will help our children appreciate and relate to the physical world around them. Science education provides children with valuable ideas and skills, and prepares them for potential scientific careers. Men and women of science form an important part of the future of our world. Without science and scientists, we will not be able to predict the weather, earthquakes and other natural disasters or, understand global warming and the impact of our actions on nature, or develop cures for deadly diseases, or develop technologies that enhance our lifestyles.
It is our belief that the Science Bee will provide an additional enrichment to our children’s academic life and better prepare them for scientific careers. There are several goals for conducting the Science Bee, including the following:
- To test understanding of science as it relates to everyday life
- To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for science
- To foster scientific thinking, creativity and ingenuity
- To enjoy the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges
- To meet other students with similar scientific interests and develop friendships
In its first year in 2010, the Science Bee was introduced to a limited number of NorthSouth chapters as a pilot project. The Science Bee contests will be conducted in two steps. In the first round, children will participate in a regional contest, conducted in various states throughout USA. Qualified winners of the regional contests will be invited to participate in the National Finals. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from each contest at the Nationals will be awarded scholarships of $1,000, $500, and $250 respectively, redeemable in the winners’ freshman year of college.
Science Bee competition will be split into three levels based on grade. Although the grouping of two or three grades into a single group does cause some disparity, the grouping is necessary due to logistical reasons and [potential] lack of contestants at each grade level. Younger children are strongly encouraged to participate, on equal basis, solely with the aim of familiarizing them with the contest and earn valuable experience. After all, in the true spirit of the contest, every contestant is a winner, for he/she has mustered the courage to face the challenge!
Science Bee aims to get kids excited about exploring the universe around them!
- There are 3 levels of competition in Science Bee:
- JSC (Junior Science Bee): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- ISC (Intermediate Science Bee): Grades 4 and 5
- SSC (Senior Science Bee): Grades 6, 7 and 8
- The syllabus for the Science Bee, level-wise, can be found on this website. It should be understood that any syllabus can only act as a guideline, and in the same given category of syllabus, the level of difficulty can vary dramatically from a beginner to an advanced level. This syllabus includes a comprehensive list of sub-topics and science vocabulary words the students will be expected to know. While most of the fielded questions will touch upon the topics listed in the syllabus, question papers may also incorporate a few challenging questions that go beyond factual knowledge but, instead, require interpretation or application of the scientific principles covered by the syllabus.
- Science bees (JSC, ISC & SSC) are held as a written examination only. Contestants should bring their own pencils and sharpeners. Parents are NOT allowed in the examination room.
- Each contestant will be given a set of 30 questions to answer. The maximum time allocated to answer the 30 questions is 30 minutes. Each contestant is given the question paper along with a blank answer sheet (bubble sheet format) with 30 numbered bubble choices to mark the answer. Each question has adequate space to arrive at the answer. No additional sheets will be given. Contestants are allowed to use the backside of the question paper to work out problems. Contestants are required to transfer the answers from the question paper to the answer sheet (which is attached to the question paper and contains 30 numbered rows to mark the final answer).
- Calculators are NOT allowed at any level.
- All sheets (including question and answer sheets) shall be returned at the end of the contest.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected to write clearly and legibly. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will NOT be any partial credits for steps. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer. Answers that are not transferred to the answer sheet will not get any credit.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Science Bee:
- Based on the total scores, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
- The tiebreaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center and at the discretion of the judges/regional coordinator.
- After tabulation of scores, if there is a tie, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given, to break the tie:
- Score among questions 1-30
- Score among questions 26-30
- Score among questions 21-25
- Score among questions 11-20
- Score among questions 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the scores of all the contestants nationally and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest. Thus, the score of each contestant relative to all such scores around the country will determine whether the contestant will be invited to the National Finals. The regional tiebreakers are only helpful in determining the winners for a particular center, but have no bearing on the Finals invitation.
The following books contain good preparatory material for the Science Bees. These could serve as reference for the Science Bee aspirants to explore and understand various scientific concepts. Students are encouraged to refer other materials as well in preparing for the Science Bee.
Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
- Title: Science A Closer Look Grade 1 Student Edition, ISBN: 9780022880057, MHID: 0022880054
- Title: Science A Closer Look, Grade 2, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780022880064, MHID: 0022880062
- Title: Science A Closer Look, Grade 3, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780022880071, MHID: 0022880070
Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
- Title: Science: A Closer Look, Grade 4, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780022880088, MHID: 0022880089
- Title: Science: A Closer Look, Grade 5, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780022880095, MHID: 0022880097
Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
- Title: Science: A Closer Look, Grade 6, Student Edition, ISBN : 9780022880118, MHID: 0022880119
Published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
- Title: Glencoe Science: Level Red, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780078778063, MHID: 0078778069
- Title: Glencoe Science: Level Green, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780078778087, MHID: 0078778085
- Title: Glencoe Science: Level Blue, Student Edition, ISBN: 9780078778100, MHID: 0078778107
- Science Quizzes
- National Science Bowl – Middle School Student Info
- National Science Bowl – Middle School Sample Questions
- National Science Bowl – Tips and Resources
- NASA Jet Propulsion Lab – Education Resources
Apart from the above books and resources, listed below are several additional resources students can consult to learn about Science and to prepare for the Science Bee:
- Your school textbook: Since the syllabus drawn up for this Bee closely parallels textbooks used in US schools, the textbooks that students use in their own schools are likely to constitute excellent study resources for the Bee.
- Wiki Answers
- National Science Bowl – High School Sample Questions
What is the North South Foundation (NorthSouth) Science Bee?
The NorthSouth Science Bee is intended as an opportunity for elementary and middle school children to study Science and become more aware of the importance of Science in day-to-day events.
What is the importance of Science?
It is unthinkable to imagine a world without science and technology. Science and technology are one of the core tenets of human advancement. Our quality of life and our day to day comforts are all results of application of science and technology. Medical advances are saving lives daily; space scientists have put man on moon; Internet and computers have revolutionized the way we access and consume information – the list is endless.
NorthSouth Science Bee intends to ignite the young minds to explore the fascinating world of Science and Technology. Preparing for the Science Bee itself will take you on a journey of discovery and kindle interest in various branches of science. After all, the journey is more important than the destination.
Why are the Science Bee contests being called Pilot?
The NorthSouth Science Bee is a brand new product for 2010. A pilot project refers to an initial roll out of a product into production, targeting a limited scope of the intended final audience [def: Wikipedia]. This contest is expected to evolve in terms of content and format based on the feedback received from children, parents and volunteers during the pilot phase. Also, NorthSouth will not be conducting National Finals for the Science Bee during 2010.
Why are the registration fees for Science Bee Pilot the same as for the other more mature contests?
Although Science Bee is a pilot this year, the cost of running the contest is the same as other contests. Also 2/3rd of the fee is considered as donation by the parents to NorthSouth. Thus the parents are helping the most deserving poor students going to college in India.
Who can participate in the Science Bee contest?
Can a Junior Science Bee contestant also participate in the Senior Science Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one Science Bee and in one Regional center only.
Can a child in Kindergarten (KG) participate in the Junior Science Bee?
Yes. A child in KG is allowed to participate in Junior Science Bee, on an equal basis without any special privileges or concessions. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the primary aim of getting them familiar with the Bee.
How can I register for the NorthSouth Science Bee contest?
Online registration via NorthSouth homepage is generally available, starting January. You can also refer to the Regional Contest Calendar or ask your Chapter Director about registration deadlines and contest dates.
How can my children prepare for the Science Bee contest?
Will the Science Bee be conducted at all centers where Spelling Bees are conducted?
The NorthSouth Senior Science Bee is available to be offered at all chapters. The local chapter can choose to offer this Bee or decide against it. Please consult your Chapter Coordinator for the specific contests being offered in your location.
- There are 2 levels of competition in Geography Bee:
- JGB (Junior Geography Bee): Grades 1, 2 and 3
- SGB (Senior Geography Bee): Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
- A 1st rank winner at the North South Foundation National Finals Junior Geography Bee can only participate in the Senior Geography Bee the following contest year onwards.
- A 1st rank winner at the North South Foundation National Finals Senior National Finals of the North South Foundation Senior Geography contest is not eligible to compete in any North South Foundation Geography Bee contests.
- A National Geographic Bee winner is not eligible to participate in North South Foundation Geography Bee contests.
- Kids in Grades 4 to 8 are not eligible to participate in the Junior Geography Bee contests.
- Geography Bees (JGB and SGB) are held in two phases: Phase I (written) and Phase II (oral).
- Parents are not allowed in Phase I. They may be allowed in Phase II at the discretion of the judges, if the space permits.
- There are 2 levels of competition in Geography Bee:
- Phase I is a written test with 25 questions. All contestants will get the same 25 questions.
- The contestants will have 30 minutes to complete Phase I.
- Unclear and illegible writing might be open for misinterpretation. So, contestants are expected to write clearly and legibly. The decision of the judges is final.
- There will NOT be any partial credits. There will be NO negative points for any incorrect answer. The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
- All Phase I sheets shall be returned at the end of the contest. All contestants will advance to Phase II (oral round).
- Phase II contains 3 oral rounds.
- During this phase, the pronouncer announces the question. The contestant is not allowed to ask the judges any information on the question. The contestant is allowed 30 seconds to provide his/her choice of the answer. The judges may award zero points to any contestant who ignores a request to start giving an answer.
- During each of the three rounds, each contestant gets a new question from the list. If a contestant gives an incorrect answer, the judges provide the correct answer. The next contestant will be given a new question from the list.
- The contestant will be awarded one point for the correct answer and zero for an incorrect answer.
- Based on the combined scores from both phases, the judges will determine the winners. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least one point to be declared as the champion.
- Based on the scores from Ph I (questions 1-25) and Ph II (3 questions) for a combined total of 28, if there is a tie, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given, to break the ties:
- Phase I score among questions 1-25
- Phase I score among questions 21-25
- Phase I score among questions 16-20
- Phase I score among questions 11-15
- Phase I score among questions 1-10
- If the above steps fail to break the tie in question, the foundation may use additional measures to resolve them or award joint ranks.
- Based on the scores from Ph I (questions 1-25) and Ph II (3 questions) for a combined total of 28, if there is a tie, the scheme outlined below is followed in the order given, to break the ties:
- Invitation to National Finals is based on the combined cutoff scores (max 28) determined for each eligible grade level for all the contestants nationally.
- The regional ranks have no bearing on determining if the contestant is invited to the national finals and is not based on a direct correlation of ranks achieved by a contestant in a regional contest.
- For example, a 1st rank holder in a particular chapter might not be invited to the finals due to a low score.
- Similarly, a 5th rank holder of another chapter might be invited to the finals if his/her score meets the cutoff.
The questions will be related but not confined to the following categories.
Junior Geography Bee:
- General Physical Geography: Major Land forms and Water bodies including US and India.
- U.S. Geography
- Political Geography: States & Capitals
- Physical Geography: Identify the locations and characteristics of the different regions of the United States, major mountains & water bodies
- National Parks
- Indian Geography
- Political Geography: States, Capitals & Major cities
- Physical Geography: Major mountains & waterways
- Cultural Geography: Languages, Landmarks, Music & Dance forms
- National Parks
- World Geography
- Political Geography: Important countries capitals on different continents
- Physical geography: major mountains & waterways, geographic terms
- Cultural geography: People, languages, holidays, cultural traditions and sports around the world
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Major tourist attractions, geographic locations of major cities & countries
Senior Geography Bee:
- General Physical Geography – Earth, Land Forms, Water bodies, Geographic terms, etc.
- U.S., India and World
- Political Geography
- Historical Geography
- Physical Geography
- Cultural Geography
- Economic Geography
- Current Events
Up to 25% in both categories can be from Indian Geography.
*Disclaimer: The North South Geography Bee is not related to the National Geographic Bee conducted by the National Geographic Society though some similarities in format may exist.
- Geobee Challenge App – available in the App Store
- GEOBEE Study Corner by National Geographic
- The Geography Bee Complete Preparation Handbook:”1001 Questions & Answers to Help You Win Again and Again” By Matthew T. Rosenberg, Jennifer E. Rosenberg
- “The Handy Geography Answer Book” By Matthew T. Rosenberg
- “How To Ace The National Geographic Bee: Official Study Guide” By Stephen F. Cunha
- Rosenberg website: Preparing for the Geography Bee
- A resource for Junior Geo Bee:
- Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, by Andrew Wojtanik
What is the North South Foundation Geography Bee?
The NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee is intended as an opportunity for elementary and middle school children to study geography and become more aware of the importance of Geography in day-to-day events.
What is the importance of Geography?
Scarcely a day goes by when we are not reminded by the media of the ongoing struggle for survival that is being waged in all the far-flung corners of Planet Earth. Headlines tell of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, a flood in Bangladesh, a famine in Ethiopia or an earthquake in Guatemala. We read of war in Iraq and Afghanistan or terrorism in the Middle East. Our TV screens show us these events in great graphic detail. An adequate understanding of Geography enriches our understanding of the news in its proper context.
For example, we will better understand why an earthquake near Indonesia in the Indian Ocean can affect so many countries around it. We should try to understand not only where these events are occurring, but also why they are taking place and how they will impact our lives.
Knowledge of Geography impacts our understanding of international relations, economy, history, environment, etc.
Finally a shrinking globe and global village are fast becoming a reality during the 21 st century. Geography is all the more relevant in adjusting to this new reality. The knowledge of differing peoples and places one a better citizen of the World today!
Why is there a focus on India in NorthSouth Foundation Geography bee?
Given the Foundation’s Indian roots, it is our responsibility and pride to impart the knowledge of Indian geography, history and its culture to our community. That is why we are making it a part of the syllabus for the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee.
Who can participate in the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee contest?
Can a Junior Geography Bee contestant also participate in the Senior Geography Bee?
No, a participant can only participate in one Geography bee and in one regional center only. Eligible contestants from the regional competitions will be invited into the same bee for the NorthSouth Foundation National Finals event.
Can a child in Kindergarten (KG) participate in the Junior Geography Bee?
Yes, a child in KG is allowed to participate in Junior Geography Bee, on an equal basis without any special privileges. Parents should bring young children into the contest with the primary aim of getting them familiar with the Bee. Over the last several years many young children have participated and done exceedingly well in various contests.
How can I register for the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee contest?
Online registration via NorthSouth Foundation homepage is generally available, starting early January. You can also refer to the Regional Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.
How can we make our children motivated?
Make learning fun by having Maps displayed visibly at home. This creates stimulating environment that may stir an interest in Geography from an early age. A lot of learning can happen without the child even realizing it! Watch the news regularly as a family and encourage discussion of events. This would help the young children to become aware of the events happening around them.
How can my children prepare for the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee contest?
By competing in the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee, can my children become eligible to participate in the National Geographic Bee?
NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee is not associated with the National Geographic Bee. You need to consult with your children’s school on the rules for entering the National Geographic Bee. What is important, however, is that by participating in the NorthSouth Foundation contest, your child will be better prepared to compete in the National Geographic Bee.
Will the NorthSouth Foundation Geography Bee be conducted at all centers where spelling bees are conducted?
NorthSouth Foundation Senior Geography Bee is offered at all chapters. However, Junior Geography Bee is still offered as a pilot program only at selective centers . Consult your Chapter Coordinator for the specific contests being offered in your location.
- To make public speaking not as a chore or stressful event but to make it as an enjoyable task
- To better prepare for excelling in public speaking
- To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for public speaking
- To develop important skills in delivering a better and powerful speeches
- To develop creativity and ingenuity in situations where one needs to deliver speeches at a short notice
In addition to all the general contest rules stated by North South Foundation, the following rules are applicable for Public Speaking Bee Competition.
- There are 2 levels of competition for Public Speaking Bee:
- PS1 (Junior): Grades 6, 7 and 8
- PS3 (Senior): Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12
- A 1st rank winner at the National Finals of the North South Foundation PS3 (Senior) contest is not eligible for competing in this and future Public Speaking contests conducted by the Foundation. A contestant who participated in a higher level bee cannot participate in a lower level bee in subsequent years.
- There are 2 levels of competition for Public Speaking Bee:
- The contestants for the competition will be placed in a separate room (Waiting Room.) Badge numbers will determine the order of the speakers.
- Each contestant will be escorted to a separate room, Preparation Room, 30 minutes before the contestant’s turn, where he/she will hear the speech topic. Thus the contestants will not know the speech topic ahead of time. No smart phones or any other devices are allowed inside the room during preparation time.
- The contestant will be escorted to the contest room to give the speech. The contestants will have up to 3 minutes to give a short speech on the “given topic.”
- The contestant will be shown a green card when 2 minutes are reached, a yellow card when 2 minutes 30 seconds have been reached and a red card once 3 minutes have been reached. The contestant should strive to finish up his/her speech within the 3 minutes limit. If the contestant goes beyond 3 minutes 30 seconds, the chief judge will request the contestant to stop immediately. Failing to do so will disqualify the contestant.
- Each contestant will be scored by a panel of three independent judges.
Guidelines for judging criteria - The results of the Public Speaking Contest will be announced right after the Contest.
- Each contestant will be scored by a panel of three independent judges.
- Each speech will be scored by three independent judges. Based on the average scores of the three judges, winners will be determined.
The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least (.01) to be declared as the champion.
- Each speech will be scored by three independent judges. Based on the average scores of the three judges, winners will be determined.
- The tie-breaker rules apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center.
- In case of a tie, the participant of lower (or lowest) grade will be the winner.
- If there is still a tie among the contestants who are in the same grade, multiple winners will be declared sharing the same rank. When announcing joint winners, the following rules are used:
- If two are tied for the 1st place, skip rank 2 and announce rank 3 for the third contestant.
- If two or more are tied for the 2nd place, skip rank 3.
- If three or more are tied for the 1st place, skip ranks 2 and 3.
- Invitation to National Finals is ONLY for PS3. Registration for Senior Public Speaking at Finals is only available to those who participated at the Regional Contests in Senior Public Speaking, subject to an upper limit of 30. First come first serve rule will apply for
registration at the National Finals.
JPS: In the 3 minutes provided, describe a project that you and your friends
might undertake during the week of spring-break that will help a section of
the community or individuals that are less fortunate?
SPS: Suppose you are the speech writer for your favorite candidate for the
Presidential elections in 2008. What would be your speech to convince
voters on why they should vote for you?
- National Student Speakers Association (NSSA): Resources
Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you care about doing well.
But, too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here’s how you can control your nervousness and make effective, memorable presentations:
- Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
- Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.
- Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practice your speech and revise it if necessary.
- Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises.
- Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.
- Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don’t want you to fail.
- Don’t apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience’s attention to something they hadn’t noticed. Keep silent.
- Concentrate on the message — not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate.
- Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm
- Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need.
If you’d like to learn more about joining Toastmasters,
please visit:
Why is the NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking Bee being conducted?
Public Speaking, started in 2006, is a pilot contest and is one of the growing lists of contests offered by NorthSouth Foundation. This contest is offered with a view to help and educate our children on how to prepare and present a speech before their peers or to a group of people. We all face situations on a regular basis at work, school, and local meetings to deliver speeches to groups of individuals, coworkers and others on topics we have been involved with. At times, people feel stressed out during the preparation and in anticipation of giving a speech.
NorthSouth Foundation contests are developed with a view that as our children start preparing for these at an early age, they can become successful communicators and deliver better speeches and become successful. Since public speaking is an art, one can develop the skills for better speaking with determination and hard work.
Who can participate in the NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking Bee?
Do I have to register separately for the NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking Bee?
How is the NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking Bee conducted?
How is Public Speaking Bee judged?
The speeches will be scored by a qualified panel of NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking judges (three judge will score each speech). Depending on the number of contestants, winners will be identified based on NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking judging rules. The decisions by the judges shall be final and shall not be subject to any further appeal.
When will the contestants be informed of the results?
Results will be announced at the same time after all the contestants finish their speeches. All regional and national contest results shall be posted on the NorthSouth Foundation website.
What are the goals for Public Speaking?
- To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for public speaking
- To make public speaking an enjoyable task not a chore
- To better prepare for excelling in public speaking
- To develop important skills in delivering a better and powerful speeches
- To develop creativity and ingenuity in situations where one needs to deliver speeches at a short notice
- To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges
- To be hardworking, persevering, and determined to meet any challenges
- To meet other students and develop friendship
How can I register for the NorthSouth Foundation Public Speaking Bee contest?
Is there a National Finals for Public Speaking?
Currently, the national finals will be held only for the senior level. In the future, they may be held for all levels.
Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man – Francis Bacon in Essay on Study.
Writing prompts one to think hard thoughts and to own the thought before penning it down. One has to re-think what one may have read in the past and reconcile with conflicting thoughts or arguments i.e. “critical thinking”. Then, one has to write it down in a well-organized and concise manner. Good writing is the ultimate form of achieving perfection in communication and a hallmark of a good leader!
To succeed in today’s competitive world, one must be equipped with excellent spoken and written skills. The North South Foundation Leadership-in-Writing Contest, which began in 2005, is intended to encourage good writing skills with brevity, emphasis on creativity, language, and unique personal style.
Preparing for this contest will help the student to communicate effectively, think quickly, write persuasively and present well-connected ideas in a concise manner.
For help to prepare for the Essay Bee, please go to Preparation.
For any questions regarding the Essay Bee, go to FAQ.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Essay Bee:
- Essay Writing Level 1 (EW1): Grades 3, 4 and 5
- Essay Writing Level 2 (EW2): Grades 6, 7 and 8
- Essay Writing Level 3 (EW3): Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12
- A 1st rank winner at the National Finals of the North South Foundation Essay Writing Level 3 (EW3) contest is not eligible for competing in this and future essay contests conducted by the Foundation (National winners of EW1 and EW2 can participate ONLY in EW2 and EW3 bees, respectively.) A contestant who participated in a higher level bee cannot participate in a lower level bee in subsequent years.
- Essay bees (EW1, EW2 and EW3) are only held in one phase: Phase I (written). Parents are not allowed in Phase I.
- There are 3 levels of competition in Essay Bee:
- Phase I is a written test. The essay topic will only be announced 10 minutes before the contest begins. Thus the contestants will not know the essay topic ahead of time. The contestants will have 60 minutes to complete an essay on the “given topic.”
- The essay must be an original composition written by the contestant, onsite (i.e., in the Contest Room), and must be written in English.
- An essay submitted will not be returned under any circumstances. North South Foundation shall reserve the right to publish the essay, name, school and photo of any participant in any manner it deems fit.
- Guidelines for judging criteria: Junior Intermediate Senior
- Each essay will be reviewed and scored by three independent judges. Based on the average scores of the three judges, winners will be determined. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least (.01) to be declared as the champion. In announcing the ranks 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, the following rules apply:
- Announce Ranks 1, 2 and 3, if and only if there are at least 10 contestants;
- Announce Ranks 1 and 2 ONLY, if there are 8 or 9 contestants;
- Announce Rank 1 ONLY, if there are 5-7 contestants;
- DO NOT announce any ranks if there are less than 5 contestants.
- Each essay will be reviewed and scored by three independent judges. Based on the average scores of the three judges, winners will be determined. The 1st place winner shall be ahead by at least (.01) to be declared as the champion. In announcing the ranks 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, the following rules apply:
- The tie-breaker rules for ranks apply ONLY if there are at least 5 or more contestants participating in a given center.
- In case of a tie, the participant of lower (or lowest) grade will be the winner.
- If there is still a tie among the contestants who are in the same grade, multiple winners will be declared sharing the same rank.
When announcing joint winners, the following rules are used:
- If two are tied for the 1st place, skip rank 2 and announce rank 3 for the third contestant.
- If two or more are tied for the 2nd place, skip rank 3.
- If three or more are tied for the 1st place, skip ranks 2 and 3.
- Invitation to National Finals is ONLY for EW3. All contestants at the regional level will be invited to the National Finals subject to an upper limit of 30. First come first serve rule will apply for registration at the National Finals.
- Basic Guide to Essay Writing:
- Another useful website:
- Sample essay topics: Samples
- The Basics: The Anatomy of a Good Essay
- Harvard College Writing Center: Resources
- MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing: Resources
- JLV College Counseling
Why is the North South Foundation Essay Writing (Leadership In Writing) BEE being conducted?
The North South Foundation Leadership-in-Writing is the latest addition to the suite of annual North South Foundation contests. It is intended to encourage good writing skills while nurturing creativity, the ability to think quickly, and present well-connected ideas persuasively and succinctly. It is designed to be in line with the “timed writing” component of current standardized tests (SAT). Good writing style will be the key differentiating characteristic in identifying the winners.
Who can participate in the North South Foundation Leadership in Writing Bee?
Do I have to register separately for the North South Foundation Leadership in Writing Bee?
How is the North South Foundation Leadership in Writing Bee conducted?
How is the Leadership in Writing Bee judged?
The essays will be scored by a qualified panel of North South Foundation Essay Contest judges (three judge will score each essay). Every submitted essay will be read and ranked by every judge on the panel. Depending on the number of contestants, winners will be identified based on North South Foundation Leadership in Writing Contest judging rules. The decisions by the judges shall be final and shall not be subject to any further appeal.
When will the contestants be informed of the results?
Results will be announced within 2 to 3 weeks after the contest. All regional and national contest results shall be posted on the North South Foundation website.
What are the attributes of a good essay?
The North South Foundation Leadership in Writing Bee is intended to encourage “impromptu writing” of “timed essays” with discipline, logic and creativity.The “timed” mode encourages discipline and brevity.It should have good content, good language and good style.Good content implies well-connected ideas written persuasively and effectively on the “given topic”.The child must be able to express his/her idea of leadership very clearly. Examples may be used as and when required. Good language implies the use of good vocabulary. The right word used in the right place packs in a better punch.Writing is a fine art and therefore it is expected that the participant will use the best words possible while writing on the topic. For example, one can say a line very plainly – ‘he is liked by all’ or one can word it better as in ‘he is appreciated by all’.Good style implies many things – writing with flair and color, creativity and adding one’s own personal touch. Grammar and punctuation errors will be taken into account.
How can I register for the North South Foundation Essay Writing Bee contest?
Online registration via North South Foundation homepage is generally available, starting early January. You can also refer to the North South Foundation Contest Calendar or ask your Regional Coordinator about registration deadlines and contest dates.
Is there a National Finals for Essay Writing?
Currently, the national finals will be held only for the senior level. In the future, they may be held for all levels.
Regional FAQs
What is the purpose behind the North South Foundation contests?
How long has the Foundation been in existence?
The Foundation was established as a non-profit organization in 1989. Since inception, North South Foundation has provided more than 3,100 scholarships in India. Since 1993, North South Foundation has been conducting contests in the US. Thousands of families across the US and Canada participate in the North South Foundation contests every year. All contributions to North South Foundation are tax-deductible.
Is North South Foundation doing a talent search by conducting contests?
No. The goal of the Foundation is to help every participating child. The focus is on learning and not on ranking. We also encourage learning the basics in a structured way. We believe that this is a better approach than learning by sheer memorization. In the North South Foundation contests, every child is recognized as a winner. North South Foundation believes that every child can improve his or her skills over time through practice and hard work. North South Foundation has seen enough evidence to demonstrate that an average child can rise to the top given the right motivation and opportunity.
How can I register my children for the contests?
From the Home Page, click the ‘Register Now’ button on top of the page. Once you login, you can add / verify your children information and register them for various contests.
I want to register my children, but my email from last year expired?
Where would I find the material for each contest?
Practice words will be provided for Vocab & Spelling bees only upon completing the payment. Syllabus for the rest are posted on the web. There might be workshops being organized at your chapter. Check with your coordinator.