Solutions to Last Puzzles
Perplexing Puzzles
New House
A function is anything that demonstrates a pairwise
relationship. In other words, if you give a function some
value, it pairs it up with some other value. The thing being
given is called an input, and the value being returned is
the output. In the animation, the coordinates of the
points drawn are the output. What is the input?
Hint: When more points are drawn, what changes?
You have a basket containing
ten apples. You have ten
friends, who each desire an
apple. You give each of your
friends one apple. Now all your
friends have one apple each, yet
there is an apple remaining in
the basket. How is this possible?
When you solve the puzzles, email your solutions to
to be recognized in the next issue.
You have received a letter in your mail declaring that you have
won the rights to a brand new house! The letter says it's a one-
story house made completely of redwood. But, when you go to
claim your prize, a man in a black suit claims that you cannot
enter the house unless you answer his question: what color are
the stairs of the redwood house?
There are no
stairs because it is
a one-story
Sharing Apples
Idiomatic Image
The image represents the idiom "cutting
This Edition's Puzzles
Idiomatic Image
What phrase does the
picture represent?
You gave one of
your friends the
apple along with
the basket.
I have cities, but no houses.
I have mountains, but no trees.
I have water, but no fish. What am I?