North South Foundation is a Trust established in India.
It is headquartered in Hyderabad with the primary goal of
awarding scholarships to academically bright students who
are financially disadvantaged. It is driven by volunteers in over
20 chapters located throughout the country. The scholarships
are primarily funded by The North South Foundation
established in the US in Illinois as a 501c3 non-profit
NSF India has given 2300+ scholarships in the Academic year
2019-20 worth Rs. 45 million. Covid-19 is limiting our activities
this year to renewal of the ongoing scholarships. Initiation of
new scholarships has been postponed to the next year for
lack of safe means to carry the detailed applicant evaluation
process including documentation, in person interview, and
chapter led scholarship award ceremony.
The generous contribution of the North South Foundation
USA will enable the number of scholarship awarded to more
than double in the coming years.
C M Rao
Managing Trustee
North South Foundation, India
Spelling Corner
Belief that the world constantly
improves and that humans can
make it a better place
The word originates from the Latin
root melior, meaning 'better'. It
probably comes from the word
meliorate and was first used in
"As a believer in meliorism, the
activist felt that every small effort
he made had a positive effect on
the world."
Solutions to Last Puzzles
Perplexing Puzzles
New House
A function is anything that demonstrates a pairwise
relationship. In other words, if you give a function some
value, it pairs it up with some other value. The thing being
given is called an input, and the value being returned is
the output. In the animation, the coordinates of the
points drawn are the output. What is the input?
Hint: When more points are drawn, what changes?
You have a basket containing
ten apples. You have ten
friends, who each desire an
apple. You give each of your
friends one apple. Now all your
friends have one apple each, yet
there is an apple remaining in
the basket. How is this possible?
When you solve the puzzles, email your solutions to newsletter@northsouth.org
to be recognized in the next issue.
You have received a letter in your mail declaring that you have
won the rights to a brand new house! The letter says it's a one-
story house made completely of redwood. But, when you go to
claim your prize, a man in a black suit claims that you cannot
enter the house unless you answer his question: what color are
the stairs of the redwood house?
There are no
stairs because it is
a one-story
Sharing Apples
Idiomatic Image
The image represents the idiom "cutting
This Edition's Puzzles
Idiomatic Image
What phrase does the
picture represent?
You gave one of
your friends the
apple along with
the basket.
I have cities, but no houses.
I have mountains, but no trees.
I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Savitha: What was your impression about the
volunteers involved in the strategy planning?
Dr. Maheshwari: ,
Savitha: What did you see as promising in the
future of the organization?
Dr. Maheshwari:
Savitha: How were you introduced to North
South Foundation?
Dr. Maheshwari:
Dr. Chitturi would analyze everything and
send it out - that resulted in a very efficient
Savitha: What are your thoughts on
education & India, and the future of Indian
Dr. Maheshwari:
Savitha Where are you from in India? What
led you to the United States?
Dr. Maheshwari:
Savitha: Since Dr. Balu Natarajan took on the
leadership role, how have you seen the
organization grow?
Dr. Maheshwari:
Savitha: Please share your thoughts about the scholarship program and me a n s of tracking
recipients of scholarships in India?
Dr. Maheshwari:
One is to give scholarships to enable poor
students to pursue college education, also in education which can he l p students in the
school system perform better
'Balu Model' -
Savitha: What is your advice to the kids who come into the NorthSout h p r ogram? How can
we motivate parents as well as kids to look at the bigger picture?
Dr. Maheshwari:
Your sc holar ship gave wings to
my drea m. I thank NSF of co nside ring me el igibl e for this . Thi s
no t jus t a s chola rship but it's very much more than that to me
an d my famil y,
April 9-11
April 30
May 1-2
MTP Spelling:
MTP Geography: