Competitions & Scholarships
Academic Triathlon (
Academic Triathlon is a five-person team challenge for students in grades 5-12 that rewards strong performance in the areas of general intellect; specific academic abilities; leadership and psycho-social dynamics; visual performing arts; and creative thinking.
BioGENEius Challenge (
The BioGENEius Challenge is the premier competition for high school students that recognizes outstanding research in biotechnology. Visit website for information on the local competitions!
BEST Robotics Competition (
Middle and high school students build radio-controlled robots that can perform assigned tasks. Students teams are provided a kit of equipment from which to run their robot and a kit of raw materials from which to build their machine.
Davidson Fellows Scholarships (
This program awards scholarships of $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 to extraordinary young people under the age of 18 who have completed a significant piece of work. Application categories are Mathematics, Science, Literature, Music, Technology, Philosophy and Outside the Box.
Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (
The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual one-day math tournament for high school students, held at MIT and at Harvard in alternating years. It is run exclusively by MIT and Harvard students.
Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) (
The Intel ISEF is the world's largest pre-college science project competition for students in the 9th through 12th grades.
Modeling the Future Challenge (
The Modeling the Future Challenge (MFC) is a new academic competition being developed by The Institute of Competition Sciences for the Actuarial Foundation (TAF). The premise is simple. Students are challenged to develop and present their own mathematical models describing how they envision a new technology or industry will change the future. Successful submissions to the MFC will provide findings supported by mathematical computations. Through this challenge, students will apply mathematics to better understand cutting-edge industries and technologies. They will also learn about how to access highly sought after career opportunities as actuaries and other math related fields.
The 2017-2018 challenge topic is on Autonomous Vehicles, one of the fastest moving, exciting, and game-changing technologies of our time. The information in the pages below will provide you with the nuts and bolts of the Modeling the Future Challenge.
Knowledge Master Open (
Teams in the Knowledge Master Open receive curriculum-based contest questions on a CD-ROM and compete using a computer at their own schools.
National History Day (
National History Day is a year-long educational program that culminates in statewide and nationwide history contests. Students choose historical topics related to a theme and conduct extensive research through libraries, archives, museums, oral history interviews, and historic sites. They present their work in original papers, exhibits, performances, and documentaries.
National Science Bowl (
The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) National Science Bowl is a nationwide academic competition that tests student's knowledge in all areas of science. High school and middle school students are quizzed in a fast paced question-and-answer format similar to Jeopardy.
Siemens Science & Technology Competition - Siemens Foundation (
The Siemens Science & Technology competition gives students an opportunity to achieve national recognition for science research projects that they complete in high school.
United Nations National High School Essay Contest (
In this yearly essay competition, UNA-USA publishes a topic and question of particular importance to the international community. Students then conduct research and write a response to the question, based not only on the information they have found, but also on their own views and opinions.
You Be The Chemist Challenge (
Chemical Education Foundation (CEF) runs a national quiz-bowl format competition for grade 5-8 students called the You Be The Chemist Challenge®. An exciting academic contest that uses the drama of competition to engage grade 5-8 students in chemistry and science. Think spelling bees or quiz bowls but with science questions! Local and state competitions take place throughout the year, and the cycle ends each June with a national competition in Philadelphia, PA. The top four students at the national competition receive scholarships totaling $15,000.