NorthSouth Foundation

India Scholarship

North South Foundation provides scholarships to undergraduate students entering into engineering, medicine or 3-year polytechnic (diploma in engineering.) based on merit and financial need. NorthSouth uses uniform eligibility criteria to identify meritorious students across chapters. NorthSouth has distributed more than 20,000 scholarships to students who need financial support to pursue their quest for knowledge in their chosen fields.

The scholarship is an annual award and not a one-time payment. The student is eligible for the scholarship until graduation as long as he/she maintains high academic standards. NorthSouth funds these scholarships by raising donations in the US. The local chapters located in various states in India do the commendable job of advertising to invite applications from students, screening these applications and selecting the most needy group of students who eventually become NorthSouth scholarship recipients.

Join Scholarship Program

Recommend Students

If you know children in India who meet our criteria & require financial aid, please encourage them to apply. Guidelines for applications can be found at Scholarships Guidelines, & the application process for 2023 is currently open. Learn More

Volunteer and Open New Chapters

If your friends or relatives in India can spare time and effort, especially in North Indian states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, and others, please let us know. We will provide training and materials to support the process. Expected functions include contacting local schools and colleges, spreading awareness, identifying & encouraging students to apply, collecting and scrutinizing certificates.

Become an Ambassador

Be an inspiration and representative of North South Foundation. We are actively seeking liaisons in the USA who can dedicate time to motivate and support relatively inactive chapters in India, enabling more children to benefit from our programs.

Scholarship Types

College Merit Scholarships

NorthSouth offers scholarships for students who have gained admission to professional courses like Engineering, Lateral Engineering, MBBS, Dental, BSc(N), Diploma/Polytechnic/ Diploma in Agriculture, B.Sc(Ag), B.Pharma, BA.BEd/B.Sc.BEd(Limited to Regional Institutes of Education of NCERT Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore, Shillong) NorthSouth supports students through their entire course of study as long as he or she doesn’t fail in the examination. To find out more details please Click Here for more details.

Designated Merit Scholarships

While a donation to NorthSouth goes towards the general pool of college scholarships, some time if a donor wishes to support a student from one college or a student in a specific course of study NorthSouth finds an eligible student and gives a designated scholarship. Donors who have donated towards this category will be listed in this page in the upcoming weeks.

High School Scholarships

NorthSouth also helps students to complete their high school. The high school scholarships are usually designated by a donor who wishes to help students in his or her high school of choice.
A list of high schools will be uploaded in the upcoming weeks.

How to Apply

You can apply online by clicking on the link below and filling in your details.

Scholarship Renewal

You can apply for renewal online by clicking on the link below and filling in your details

Join us in making a difference!

Contact [email protected] for further details.


Top FAQs

  • Login to parent account: North South Foundation
  • Click on Coaching Tab
  • Click on Register for coaching
Timings for classes are chosen by the coaches. It is not possible to know in advance which classes are available for signup and at what times, until all the coaches finalize their schedules. This usually happens by the time registrations open and new coaches sign up even after student registrations open. A class catalog is available at: Coaching Catalog. Summer catalog will be published soon, please disregard the Spring catalog we have on the website.
After the form submission online, you will get one PDF form and check the last page for the Declaration by the principal. It should be filled by the principal of your college.
Degree in Agriculture B.Sc.
Degree in Dentistry (B.D.S.)
Degree in Engineering (B.E./ B.Tech, 4-Year Degree in Engineering)
Lateral Entry to Degree in Engineering (B.E./B.Tech)
Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.)
Degree in Nursing B.Sc (N)
Degree in B.Pharma
BA BEd & B.Sc BEd (Limited to Regional Institutes of Education of NCERT Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore, Shillong)
Diploma in Engineering (Polytechnic/ 3-Year Diploma)
Diploma in Agriculture
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