Donate to North South Foundation
Encourage Education - The Gift of a Lifetime

North South Foundation is a non-profit organization focusing on excellence in education. All contributions made to NorthSouth are tax-deductible. Tax ID: 36-3659998. While making a donation, you can designate your contribution to the program of your choice.

Donate by Credit Card
  • Accepted Credit Cards: Mastercard,Visa, American Express, Discover
  • Donate Now to North South Foundation using credit card
Donate by Check
  • Please write on the check, the cause for which the donation is intended (NorthSouth Scholarships in India / NorthSouth Contests in India)
  • Checks can be mailed to the following address :
    North South Foundation
    2 Marissa Ct
    Burr Ridge, IL 60527-6864
Directing Your United Way Contributions

Many employers in the US help raise donations for United Way, which in turn supports hundreds of charities across the country. Some of the employers contribute funds, matching the employee donations to United Way. So you may be able to double your contributions to NorthSouth through United Way.

By directing your United Way contributions to NorthSouth, you can help the financially poor, but meritorious, children in India. Please provide the following contact name, address, phone number, and Tax ID to your employer for directing your contributions to NorthSouth through United Way.

Contact Name: Dr. Ratnam Chitturi

North South Foundation
2 Marissa Ct
Burr Ridge, IL 60527-6864

Phone Number: 630-323-1966

Tax ID: 36-3659998

Thank you for your generous support in education!
If you have problems in making payment contact for assistance.