By logging in below as a parent and registering for NorthSouth Workshops or Contests, you agree to the following terms:
"As a parent or legal guardian of my ward, I voluntarily give consent for him/her to participate in all activities associated with NorthSouth Workshops and/or Contests.
Further, I hereby release and discharge NorthSouth, their officers, sponsors, agents, servants, and volunteers, and persons, firms, or corporations contracting with,
or acting on behalf of, the NorthSouth including the organizations providing the venue and facilities therein, their employees and agents with respect to all
activities associated with NorthSouth Workshops and Contests, as well as their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, from any cause of action
of any nature whatsoever arising from the participation of my ward as well as the participation of the remaining members of my family and friends in any
and all activities associated with the Workshops and Contests. I hereby give my consent for NorthSouth to use any photographs, video or other recordings of the
aforesaid persons in relation to the Contests and Workshops in any promotional material or media releases of NorthSouth. Any waivers to these conditions shall
not be valid unless issued in writing by a duly authorized representative of the North South Foundation."